Monday, September 12, 2011

Ruffle Scarf

On Thursday, in my knitting group, I worked on my ruffle. It was really a nice project to work on in a group, because it was very slow knitting, but did not need a lot of concentration.


While I was knitting, I tried it on a couple of times, to make sure it was going to be long enough, and when people asked what I was going to do with it, I mentioned I had not decided. The general opinion was, though, that I should keep it for myself, because it matched my hair. What do you think?


The scarf does has more white than my hair does... but the colors are almost exact! Friends are the best mirrors.


Moonsilk Stitches said...

That's way cool! I was thinking about it yesterday, wondering about your progress. How many stitches did you cast on? I'm knitting across 15 stitches and alternating with plain yarn. I'm not nearly as far along as you are.

Laura B said...

Beautiful!! Looks great on you.