I used Lion Brand Fishermen's Wool, purchased at JoAnn Fabrics, which made this very affordable. This is pure virgin wool containing natural oils. I am not sure the oils are still in the wool after I washed the pieces to block them. I bought 4 skeins to make sure I would not run out, and didn't even start on the 4th skein. Don't worry, though, I have plans for the other skein.
I decided not to start a new knitting project until I finish a couple of UFOs/WIPs (UnFinished Objects or Works In Progress). I am working on the black lacy shawl, and should be able to finish that within a week. I have about 6 more inches of knitting. I have 5 guild projects to finish, beading heart, the sudoku puzzle, a surface embroidery angel ornament, a set of 3 biscornu, and my needle book. I want to get re-started on my TAST sampler. The chemo caps are an on-going knitting project too. And I have the scarf set I promised my cousin. I don't promise to finish all of these before I start a new knitting project but I can make a good dent in the list. Wish me luck!