Thank you all for playing along. Chloe Patricia, I will get the temari in the mail to you within the next week.
C enjoyed picking out the name. I was going to take a picture of the process for you, but I had neglected to put my camera in my purse the last time I used it, and it ended up elsewhere.
I do have a couple of pictures today though. This is my grandma, taken in the 1950s.

Whenever she was sitting she had her "work" in her hands, except on Sunday. On Sunday she would read a book when she sat down, since work was not allowed. She loved it when people asked her to crochet things for them. The requester would purchase the supplies, and she would have the fun of working them up. My mom has two crocheted bedspreads (in two different patterns) that on a single bed go down to the floor. They would work with a dust ruffle on a double bed. They are both gorgeous. I know she made many bedspreads, plus hankies, doilies, lace edged pillow cases and sheets, and curtains. (This is the grandma that made my autumn leaves quilt. My mom sent me this picture.)
This is just something beautiful to look at. I read an article about Kantha embroidery on a blog last month, and I was so moved by the story I went to eBay to see some more pictures. I found this item for an amazing price. The shipping was 3 times more than the item itself.

I think this is so beautiful! The cloth is just covered with stitching. I'm not sure if it is cotton or silk, but I just love the shimmery color. There is some fading, but I know I will be able to find some way to use this, either in my home or wearing it. I also got a scarlet sari (5 yards of fabric) with the same type of embroidery. Beautiful!