I mentioned yesterday I had received some stash. Mary Corbet of Needle'nThread blog reviewed this kit in a post a couple of weeks ago. I had already fallen in love with the project which had been printed in the EGA membership magazine, so I went ahead and ordered these threads. Then Mary gave away the kit she had reviewed!
I just love these colors!
I still need to get fabric for the project, and I am wondering if these threads would work for another set of patterns I have, smalls (needle book, pin cushion, scissors holder, etc.) in this style. The possibilities are endless!
Last night DH participated in our church's Talent Night. He and a group of friends formed a band, and played some wonderful music. Here he is on the drums, with the bass player.
I didn't get a good picture of the whole group in their concert garb. The whole evening was fun, and it is always fun to see how much talent there is in our church.
9 hours ago