We had a lovely Saturday this week. The whole family was together, which always makes me happy, and we had so much fun! DH, DSIL (son-in-law), and P made a model of a Corvette together. It was P's first, and with grandpa's help he really enjoyed himself. I didn't get a picture, because by the time I thought of it, the model was home. DD put together a model drum kit, and C and I worked on the princess dress.

As you can see, it turned out very nicely, except for Isabella's hair. I didn't realize she needed to get it combed every time the hairband gets adjusted. The main comment from C was "I think Ruthie (Isabella's cousin) needs a Cinderella dress!" Her mom and I laughed, we had guessed the request would be for a Tinkerbell dress, but we knew there would be a request. We will have to see if the Cinderella dress comes to pass; it would require some fabric shopping.
Later that evening I got the fabric cut out for a party dress for Isabella, and on Sunday I started the steeple on the church etui. I also got the design set for the lettering sampler (and I found some fabric for it), and I have a temari planned. Does anyone have any extra hours sitting around they don't need? I could use some extras.