A couple of months ago our EGA guild class was taught by my friend Marj. I've been working on it for a couple of weeks, and it went very quickly, so much so that I was amazed.

Didn't it turn out beautifully? There are satin stitches, buttonhole stitches, french and colonial stitches, chain stitch, outline stitch, long and short stitch, lattice stitch and closed fly stitch. It is very useful as well. One of the stitched items is a pin cushion, and the other is a pocket. The band is 2 layers thick, finished very nicely so you cannot see the back. The yarn was wonderful to work with, and it brought back very fond memories.
When I was in high school, a crewel project was instrumental in helping me keep it together. The living situation I was in was not the best, and I was young, immature, and very homesick. One of the things that made it bearable was the crewel kit my mom had bought for me to work on. In the evenings I had time to stitch, the process of stitching relieved my loneliness and comforted me.

There are not too many stitches in it, mostly satin stitch, outline, chain, and cross stitches. It is the first kit I made and finished. Now that I look at it, I'm not even sure you can call it crewel, except that it was stitched with yarn. The pattern was printed on the fabric. My uncle framed it for me when it was done, he used to frame my aunt's water colors. It is discolored in places but it still looks very pretty. I have it next to my bed, and enjoy looking at it in the evenings.
This project started me down the road I have traveled for years. Thank you for this project Marj! It brought back many good memories.