I took the last stitches in this one on Friday evening, and scared my family by breaking into a happy dance. They looked at me like I was nuts, but I couldn't help it, it turned out so beautiful. I couldn't see how beautiful it was going to be until I took the last stitch, and then I amazed myself. The picture, of course (even if it were a good one) doesn't show the beauty.

I enjoyed this one so much, that I'm planning another 482 facet temari, that reminds me of Queen Anne's Lace. I've been looking at that pattern (in Temari for 4 Seasons) since I got the book (which was my first Japanese book) and now I've advanced enough in making temaris that I know I can do it.
On Saturday I walked in the Hunger Walk, benefiting the Greater Chicago Food Depository, and our church pantry. We had 44 people in our walking group! You can see what a lovely day we had, just a little too warm, but since thunderstorms had passed in the night, we were grateful for the weather we got. (I'm the one with the floppy hat.)

Here's most of our group at the finish line. I've dithered the picture a little bit on purpose.

I was amazed that I was even able run errands with DH during the afternoon (after spending some time on the sofa, recuperating) and I'm only having intermittent soreness, nothing incapacitating. I did a 5K walk when I was in my teens for a Girl Guide (Girl Scout) badge, and it took us only about 5 to 10 minutes longer this time. I was quite pleased. Our pantry will get a nice benefit as well.