Thursday, March 4, 2010

Very Boring Post

To go along with a very boring life.

The sun is out! It may get up to 40 degrees F today! (You can tell it's bad when we are getting excited about 4 degrees C.)

Nothing to see here: I put about a bajillion sequins on one piece of felt last night.

Nothing else to see, I stitched about 3 triangles on a temari ball (it needs 20).

I'm feeling an awful urge to do some cross stitch. I know, sit down quietly until the urge passes... I would like to work on my alphabet sampler (it's been calling to me) but I'm also being tempted to start the Holland springtime mandala. See a picture here. I have all the threads and the fabric. It's by the same designer as my Indian Summer Afternoon that I finished last year.

I think it is spring fever. It could also be rebellion at my "have to" finish my temari balls for JTA, even though that is something I chose myself. I have a small child living inside that does not like to Have To do anything. Such a spoiled brat!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Guild meeting

I had guild meeting last night, and had a very nice time. I tell DH I love to hang out with people who get excited about the same things I do. People were all excited about the Japanese thimbles.

I got a gift from my "secret stitcher." It must be someone who reads this blog, because who would know I like crochet otherwise? A pattern book, and some very interesting microfiber yarn. Now, of course, the question is "what to make with it?"


I am working away at the Christmas stocking, in spite of not having much time at home. I am on piece 12 of 38, which I figure is about 30% done. It sounds like this one will take less time to stitch than C's.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Nice Weekend

I had a very nice weekend, but did not get anything finished to show you. I started P's stocking:


I can't decide if it is going to take longer than the last one, or not. There are about 1/3 of the number of pieces, but those pieces have more embroidery on them. This is the top band. P was very eager for me to get started on it; and once I picked it up C bustled around to help me get set up. She got the markers out, and colored each sequin symbol on the pattern. (I had done that on her stocking because the sequin colors were much more confusing. There are only 3 choices on this pattern.) She also got out the step-stool and brought me a dish out of the cupboard to put the sequins in. She remembered the kind and size bowl I had used for hers! I didn't realize she was paying that much attention.

Here's the family: Grandpa (DH) and P


Momma (DD2) and C (with her new haircut that makes her look elfin)


DD 1 also was able to come home this weekend, even though I didn't get a picture. It was wonderful to see everyone!

I also started on my second thimble, and I decided that I have to get much better at this before I start making thimble bases for others. I think the one I made is going to work, but it's not pretty. Fortunately, Chloe Patricia is selling thimble bases (with instructions!) on her etsy site for a very reasonable price. (She said she is willing to make more kits, so if it looks sold out, just drop her a note.) For the give-away of the extra one Chloe Patricia gave me: it goes to Moonsilk Stitches.