Friday, July 15, 2011

Temari from last October

I have things to write about, but I didn't have any pictures until the original of this temari was posted yesterday, which I am taking as permission to post my copy here. I really like this picture, as it shows the shine of the red metallic. It is nice to see this picture, since I gave the original away quite a while ago.


Parts are accumulating for my felted bag. I have read the instructions, and they say to assemble everything before felting. I have almost a dozen "roses" in rose, purple, off white, and aqua, but I am still lacking leaves and green tendrils; I think I will have to pick up some feltable green yarn today so I can keep going on this. I am trying to be good and finish this project before I start on one of the 2 new, and exciting, knitting projects I have planned (and all the supplies for). But you know how hard it is to be good...

1 comment:

geeky Heather said...

That is just beautiful! Which pattern is it?