This GITS exchange has taken the longest of any I've been in so far, but I received my new temari in the mail yesterday, and it is beautiful.
This is the ball I sent to Jean in Canada. I had this with me on vacation in April, so you can see that it has been a while. It took me some time after vacation to get organized and send this out. It represents spring narcissus against the backdrop of the winter soil. Daffodils are always a sure sign to me that spring has arrived.
Here are three pictures of the ball I received yesterday from Jean. It is beautiful, and is the first one I've ever received with a tassel. That adds such a sense of elegance!
This side shows forsythia and apple blossoms.
This side shows three kikus in spring colors.
This third side shows tulips!
Thank you so much for such a lovely spring-time temari Jean!
20 hours ago
I love your new temari and the GITS from Jean is gorgeous. Lucky you! Your new camera takes great pictures.
I continue to enjoy seeing the pictures so much. What an unusual temari with the tassel. I can picture it hanging under a glass 'bell' or a theme for a Christmas tree!
WOW so lovely!
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