Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Weaving SAL

This week I finished a temari SAL (Stitch-Along) lead by Joan on the Talk Temari Yahoo group. Her instructions were wonderful, and I was very pleased with the outcome. There are four different weaving patterns, and her suggestion was to do each one twice. I'm not big on doing things twice, so I decided to use two colors; I only had to do each type of weave once in each color. (It makes me feel better, at least.)


Side one above, and side two below. The weaving was a lot of fun and hopefully something I will do again. Three of the weaving patterns give you hexagon spaces, while the fourth is the weave used on cane chair seats, and gives you an octagon space.


The simple band covers a multitude of sins!

Thank you Joan!


Lelia said...

Oh my, so beautiful!

Heather Woollove said...

These balls you make are incredible! I can't imagine the patience and concentration they take to make. WOW.