I got a new camera last night, a Canon, and I tried it out this morning. Here's a row of my thimbles. I think this is going to work! I replaced a couple of the worst pictures in my earlier posts.
I took another picture of my small purse from Contemporary Embroidery, and I decided to post it here, because the picture is good enough so you can see the stitches. There are little tiny spider web flowers (see how to make the stitch here) and french knots, all on a yummy silk background.
DH was talking on the phone with a friend the other day, and made a comment that warms me all over. He said "It's because I married right. You know the old saying 'Happy wife, happy life.'" I'm not exactly sure what they were talking about, but I am happy, and the foundation for that is him and our relationship.
To DH: I'm glad to have had a part in making your life happy!
17 hours ago
great photos. That purse is sweet! And so is your hubby! how wonderful it must have felt to hear that!
Your husband is a keeper! I enjoyed talking with him the one time our paths crossed (at the Stash Sale?). Lucky you with a new camera!!! Can see the difference already. What fun!!!
I love love!! You two are great!.
I'm jealous, new camera. It'll be time soon, with the sand in NM I've got a little spot on my lens.
Nice pictures of your work.
Laura B
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