Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hunger Walk

DD2 and I participated in the Hunger Walk for the Greater Chicago Food Depository yesterday. It was a beautiful day.


(You can tell by our smiles that this is before the walk.)

It kicked off south of Soldier Field, and headed south along the lake front. This is an early view of the registration tents; by the time the walk was ready to kick off this area was wall to wall people.


As you can see here!


I held the camera over my head backwards to get this picture. Fortunately, DD2 and I were way toward the front, and had a very nice, not very crowded walk. We walked through the delivery tunnels at the Lakeside McCormick Place, (that place is huge!) toward the south, and then on the bike/walking path back north. There was a nice breeze, and this gorgeous view. 


This fountain is on the East side of McCormick place. I don't think there are a lot of people who know it is there. It adds a little interest to the outside of the convention center the place is still very imposing.


We went through the finish line in one piece; but both of us were very weary... I knew if we sat down to wait for our church group it would have been even more difficult to get the energy to walk back to the car, so we just kept walking.


It was fun! and I hope to do it again next year!

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